In order to fit in 8 countries in 8 weeks, we have been constantly traveling, always on-the-go, and we keep finding ourselves in 'Amazing Race'-type situations. These last 5 days, full of adventures, is no different. At the end of the last post were in a pickle at the Singapore train station having missed our train, but we made the best of the 8 hour layover until the next train and relaxed at a nearby mall. We successfully updated the blog, had a great cup of coffee, spent the remainder of our Singapore dollars, and boarded our train extra early at 3pm. The 7 hour train arrived by 10:30pm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
We no longer book guesthouses or hotels before arriving in a new city; now we just get off the bus/train, walk around for less than 30 minutes with our packs and bags, and find a decent guesthouse to stay the night. This time was no different, managing the streets of our new destination like pros, we quickly found a room for the night, dropped off our bags, and headed out into the Chinatown area to explore a little before crashing. Immediately we appreciated the incredibly clean streets of Singapore, but also looked forward to exploring all the KL had to offer. We found our first Nando's of the trip (for any of our OZ friends, you will know how excited we were after not seeing one for over a year now!!)... and since it was closed we walked a bit further near Little India and found a local place to rest our feet and eat a delicious dinner of roti, rice, and curry chicken. We were able to spot the Petronas Towers lighting up the sky on our walk, but saved that adventure for another night.
WEDNESDAY, August 6:
We woke up and got going by 8am to see as much of Kuala Lumpur as we could! We made a stop near our guesthouse in Chinatown for a fun local breakfast. Chris ate noodle soup and Jennifer had a coffee and dumpling.
Local Malay food, as we soon learned, is a combination of traditional local Malay dishes, Chinese food, and Indian food..., which means we pretty much love Malaysian food. After breakfast, we ventured across some rather busy intersection without traffic lights to visit the National Mosque.
Next, we navigated back across the busy intersections and walked to ante mosque, Masjid Jamek. The temple was beautiful, decorated with traditional Muslim domes and open areas for prayer. We walked around the temple (again, because we weren't allowed inside) and while Chris was welcome in his t-shirt and shorts, Jennifer had to wear a robe and full head-covering.
We walked with Sam back to his office and parted ways, agreeing to meet up again for dinner. We then continued exploring the city, heading over to the Golden Triangle where we wandered some of the huge Megamalls KL is infamous for. First we walked through Sangai Wang, then over to Times Square mall... both enormous. Times Square even had an indoor theme park!!
THURSDAY, August 7:
We woke early again for our last non-travel day of our trip. Our nostalgia is kicking in, savoring every minute of exploration and constantly reminiscing about the incredible journey so far. We left the guesthouse by 8am and took the LRT to KLCC (city center) where we stood in a huge line to get free tickets to visit the bridge of the Petronas Towers. We finally made it to the front and chose to come back at 5pm to visit the bridge.
We managed to catch the last LRT home around 11:30pm, packed up our bags, and went to sleep for just a few hours...
FRIDAY, August 8:
After our recent issues with oversleeping we were not taking chances today since we had a flight booked from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Shanghai, China for 8:00am! We had the reception of our hostel bang on our door at 3:30am (after just a couple hours of sleep) to ensure that we made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. We left by 4am, easily caught a taxi to the bus station and got on the 4:30am bus to the airport. It all went as smoothly as we could have hoped! I suppose we've become backpacking veterans by now... just in time to head back home! We arrived at the airport before 6am and piled into fairly unorganized lines as we finally found a counter with a piece of hand-written paper reading "Air Asia flight D7 2602"... very official. We checked our packs and proceeded to security check, where we luckily bypassed the carry-on luggage scale (because we a positive that our newest addition souvenir bag is heavier than 7kg).
I was mind-boggling to imagine that we had just retraced our entire 8 weeks of traveling with a simple 5-hour flight. I mean, we have spent hours upon hours on buses, trains, tuk tuks, taxis, motos,... and it was all undone with a short plane ride. The realization that we were actually ending this adventure started to sink in. But, we were armed and ready with experience and ready to conquer the last 24 hours in China. Through all 8 countries, we both agree that China is by far the most difficult language barrier to overcome. But we soon realized that with all we had learned while traveling, communicating via hand signals and a minor Chinese vocabulary was a lot easier than we found it 8 weeks ago. In fact, we got off the plane, easily made our way through customs, found our bags waiting on us, and bought tickets for a bus leaving in 30 minutes with incredible ease. We smiled at the thought that we finally knew what we were doing. The bus arrived at a random bus station in Shanghai around 5:45pm after several intense police checkpoints (security is intense due to the Olympics starting, even though we are in Shanghai and not Beijing). With the help of a very nice local, we found the nearby metro station, and figured out the correct trains we needed to take to get to the hostel we first stayed at 8 weeks ago in Shanghai. As we arrived at the East Nanjing Road station, we found ourselves in a bizarre time warp.
With the anticipation of our homecoming on the back of both our minds, we had not considered how odd our arrival back in Shanghai, where it all began, would feel. It was a firsthand look at how much we had learned, how much we had change since the beginning of our journey. We emerged from the metro station on Nanjing Road, much like we had back in June, only this time we could see Shanghai with new eyes. On one hand seeing that same exact image we had seen upon first arriving; it was without a doubt the same metro station exit we had taken the first time. On the other hand, it was a city we both immediately recognized after exploring it for only 2 days, 8 weeks ago! We had discussed while on the train that we wish wee had a map because we were not confident that we could find the hostel (some 15-minute walk from the station) without guidance. But when we stepped on Nanjing Rd, we both knew exactly where to go.
Also bizarre was the change Shanghai went through. In 8 weeks China cleaned the streets, cut down on motorbikes, and clamped down on the selling on fake goods; the change was apparent.
We took the metro to French Concession, an area of town we had yet to visit. We wandered around and finally found a local restaurant with a TV playing the opening ceremony, so we entered in hops of having a fun last Chinese meal. The waitress translated the all-Chinese menu for us in broken English and we ordered chicken noodles, and dumplings. As we ate our meal (which wound up being chicken-blood pieces, which we removed...) the waitress stood next to our table the whole time, telling us about the Chinese officials shown on the TV and chatting with us in broken English. She even insisted that we take pictures with her...
After dinner we headed down the street in French Concession in search of another fun local hangout. All along the street there were random televisions with locals all stopped to watch the Olympics! So fun to see how much they loved it!
As we walked along we eventually walked past this deserted restaurant where we noticed a television upstairs, what looked like a few locals crowded around, and the bottom floor completely empty except for one lady. We walked in, and without a single word we communicated that we wanted a drink, she typed the price into the calculator, we agreed, and she led us upstairs! So simple! For the next 3 hours, we sat at this small table directly in front of this small television playing the Olympic opening ceremony. The small crowd that was there already was actually just the wait staff hanging out,
After the ceremony, we unsuccessfully searched for a taxi home, but after a while we just decided to walk. It was a LONG way, so when a local on a moto offered us a ride, we obviously have become braver throughout our journey, because we agreed and hopped on! As Jenn took picture while riding in the middle (of course) he smiled for the camera- so funny!
SATURDAY, August 9:
We woke up and left the hotel by 8:15am to fit in one last exploration before heading to the airport.
We then headed back to the hostel, stopping at some last minute souvenir stores, Olympic shops, and enjoying the local feel of the old Chinese couple dancing along the street. We then took just 20 minutes to completely stuff our packs with the recent purchases and everything we had accumulated over the 8-week journey. Then we checked out of the hotel by 12:20pm, and began the 15-minute walk in the extreme heat with all our stuff back to that East Nanjing Road metro stop.
As we got comfy, we realized that our stewardess friend from before was once again abroad the flight! It was very full-circle to see her! The flight went smoothly, in fact even if we had been forced to sit in the aisle, or stuffed back in the luggage compartment we wouldn't have complained after everything we've been through.
As we pulled up to the gate we were told that the US Customs' computer was down, and we weren't allowed off the flight. Jennifer was nervous because she had a close connection back to Atlanta, but 45 minutes later we were allowed off, only to realize her fight was delayed anyway.
But without any problems we waited in the domestic terminal, our connecting flights were delayed a couple hours, but in the end what is a couple hours of waiting in an air-conditioned terminal? We said our final good-bye as Jennifer headed to Atlanta and Chris returned to Tulsa.
What a wonderful experience for you both! Welcome back!
Wow, I can't believe the trip is over. No words can describe the things seen on this trip. Definetely a life changing experience. Such an incredible journey. I'm really happy I got to spend it with such a great friend. Great job on the blog Jenn! I had a great time reading it! Ha.
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